Another Civil War


Staff member's what will happen as long as we have a blackmailed Monarch the Pro Israeli blackmailers are going to squirm their way into any government that is elected or appointed. Pro Israeli blackmailers like the Millibands (or something) must NEVER be allowed near government but with a blackmailed Monarch in their pocket? ...and for the record, it was ME who led ED Milliband (or something) to defeat in 2015 and it was Blair that loaned Corbyn the MP's he needed to get elected so that the (real) powers that be had no alternative to Theresa (f%*&ng) May in 2017. I have been saying all along that Starmer is a Blairite and certainly does not have what it takes to take on and defeat these despicable criminal blackmailers!

Screenshot from 2022-12-03 23-50-04.png
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