Another Prvocation


Staff member
I got a letter saying that the unelected criminals and masters of provocation that the blackmailed Queen has said 'oh all right then' to as long as you keep your mouth shut about Diana and Prince Philip saying they will take £15 month (for a non existent social fund loan) off my measly £10 a day that I have to beg my custodians for and a further £16 a month for poll tax that (in my opinion) I (as a political prisoner) should not have to pay.

It has cost this corrupt and undemocratic government an estimated £400 Billion to propagate COVID19 in a (failed) bid to take me (and my powers) out without being accused of murder, it sure is going to take a while for them to re-coup that at £31 a month! Certainly longer than their blackmail asset has to live! Now where's my Fortnum & Mason chocolates? Shit I can no longer afford to buy them!
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