Battenburg Fantasists


Staff member
So William and Kate have been pushed out of some Battenburg memorial service and replaced by Fergie and Andrew? If the Battenburgs are still harboring delusions about replacing William and Kate (who has been removed from public view) after the shameless King is gone with Andrew and Fergie, the shit really is going to hit the fan!

Screenshot from 2024-02-27 12-06-41.png

Screenshot from 2024-02-27 12-07-13.png
I am going to assume that this is just an attempt to wind me up ahead of this by-election and whatever else is yet to come. They wouldn't dare spill the beans about William and what they did to Diana (and me) as they know that the real Battenburg blackmail truth will follow. Like I have already said, I am happy for the Monarchy to continue as the House of Spencer but I am just as willing to bring the whole stinking institution to it's knees if that is what's needed!

All Royal Dynastys are Finite! The House of Battenburg reign is at it's end, you have had it good for too long now so cut your losses and bow out gracefully before you are thrown out disgracefully
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