Blackmailed Friends Of Israel


Staff member
So Labour friend of Israel David Lammy's trip to Israel was being touted as a last ditch effort to avert all out war! Only now he's arrived he's being told he has to participate in Israel's all out warmongering or else!

I know the bad apple conservative friends of Israel had to be removed with these powers but allowing an even more dangerous pro Israeli Labour Government into power with madmen Bliar and Mandelson at the Helm and for how long? WW3 once started will be difficult to stop.


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None of the current crop of Tory leadership contenders could bring this unelected and dangerous Labour regime down in a reasonable timeframe (much less than 5 years) and most of the contenders are Pro Israeli right wingers anyway. There is only one way to sort out this mess. The Royal persons in Columbia right now and the one and only person who can bring down this sham government in an instant if the truth were to out! Check my username for a clue.

Non blackmailed Labour would be much preferable to non blackmailed Tories considering the (blackmail) mess this Country is in but I fear Bliar, Mandelson and the Israel lobbies grip on the Labour Party is unbreakable. Where as the Tory party will tow the Royal line. If it is blackmailed Battenburgs who have the Crown, the Tories will be as pro Israeli as the blackmailed Battenburgs tell them to be. If a non blackmailed royal was to take over (Harry eg) as William has barred himself, I think through naivety. Sorry William, this is not the time for Naive leaders. The Tories will fall back into a pro UK stance.

Harry's comments about Musk and the right wing race riots, coupled with William's deafening silence on the matter have convinced me of who's the right man for the (Royal) top job.

I mean are the French so ashamed about the part they played in princess Diana's brutal assassination that they would rather start WW3 on behalf of Israel than man up to the truth? Get it out in the open and Israel will have little to blackmail about.
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So I condemned France (and the UK) for the above 'apparent' agreement to participate in Israel's warmongering against Iran, citing their potential blackmail over Diana.

Then the French minister issues this rebuke of Israel's insistence that France (and the UK) will attack Iran if it exercises it's right under the UN charter to retaliate in self defence.


Now the right wing Pro Israeli press here in the UK have just published this?
