Brirthday present From The British State


Staff member
So on the day of my 60th birthday, instead of allowing me visits from my friends and family, the British State is forcing me (under the threat of benefit sanctions) to attend in person at a job center and explain that the reason I have not yet been able to find a job yet is because the British state has been holding me in solitary confinement for more than a decade under constant surveillance with no contact what so ever with oridinary members of the public let alone friends or family.

Also the British state has not offered me a COVID vaccine yet, despite my age but are forcing me to go to a job center full of potential carriers of this virus. It is not right but who do you complain to? God? forget it!
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I guess it is time to get this site set up on my free hosting account along with a free control panel so that this site can live on even if they do manage to take me out with COVID

It may be slower to load than the paid for server it is on at the moment but this one will expire if I can no longer pay, where as the free one wont.