Hamas are sending home made rockets into Israel, that are so basic that the patriot missiles can shoot almost all of them down. Iran is totally different, potential nuclear weapons aside, Iran is a wealthy oil producing Country, you get almost $100 per barrel of oil (they have gas too) and oil is almost free to produce (if you have it), they stick an oil well in the ground and oil comes gushing out. Iran produces millions of barrels of oil each day, that's hundreds of millions of dollars...and who do they sell all this oil to, it's China of course, the enemy that Israel (or Pro Israeli's before it was formed) have twice attacked with two Jewish US Presidents Truman (or something) Via Korea and B. Johnson (or something) via Vietnam and are still saber rattling against China to this day. So don't be surprised if Iran is buying (with their oil money) sophisticated weapons en-masse from China as well as the technology to make their own.
If Israel attacks Iran with or without their blackmailed nations support, all hell will break loose, just wait and see!