Descenting Voices


Staff member
So today we have a senior MP, the chair of some foreign select committee or something with an unpronouncable name and crucially the chair of the joint cheifs of staff saying that withdrawal from Afghanistan is a 'strategic mistake', who if I'm not mistaken is the most senior military person in the Uk but obviously ranks beneath that ghastly unelected and certainly unqualified prick Prince Charles. Of course I was probably the first to say that but no one listens to me (or do they?) What the good general and the MP refrained from saying but I most certainly did say, is that withdrawal from that Country is in the blackmailer's interest and of course Israel.

Alas while senior Royal's here and if I am not mistaken ex president(s) in the US are being blackmailed, our honourable people in the military and elsewhere won't have much of a voice but as I am sure the general is aware, wars are not won easily and these filthy blackmailers must be defeated at any cost!
You know they say that these top generals are all war mongers and shouldn't be trusted? Not true, in fact the opposite is true, it's the unelected but blackmailed Royals and ex presidents that will start war in the blink of an eye to selfishly protect their own tarnished (to say the least) reputations.

While us mere mortals are depending on brave generals like Mike Jackson (Prestina) and the above mentioned general to stand up to these fucking blackmailers and their so called blackmail victims!