Humanitarian Corridor


Staff member
These so called peace talks that Zelenskky (or something) is engaged in seem only to be concerned with creating a humanitarian corridor for Refugees to Flee and not about stopping the war.

A cynic (like me) may conclude that Zelenskky (or something) is complicit (with Putin and big dog of war Johnson) in facilitating a refugee crisis to flood the EU (and UK) post Brexit!
There is only one way to stop the killing and that is to oust the blackmailed Queen and the un-elected Tories. I mean why is Boris (big dog of war) supplying weapons (without objection from Russia) to Ukraine, he must know Russia can't be defeated that way. Simple if there was no opposition the Russians would just walk into Ukraine and there would be no need for Refugees to flee, thanks to Boris there is REAL war going on giving Refugees REAL reasons to flee into and flood the EU. It just sickens me to the stomach. Sometimes I wish (like most people) I just can't see through the fog of war and just took the American V.P.'s simplistic view! Having said that, it did take me a while to work out what is really going on as so many things just weren't 'adding up' ...and unlike that so called left wing president in the Whitehouse who should be opposing these right wing blackmailing 'extremist' wagers of war instead of employing them, I am not being advised by anyone but myself!
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