I am only the Keeper


Staff member
...of these election fixing powers, unfortunately it is not me who decides who wins and who does not.

For more than a week now I have been under severe attack, at the shop buying a phone, undercover neighbours, King Charles and the Women he uses against me, Keir Starmer, Diane Abbot Anti semitism trap, sophisticated computer hack to stop me watching TV etc. Now suddenly we have yet another logic defying poll which if true could spell the end for Starmer!

I have been saying all along that Blairite Starmer is NOT the person to take on these devious and ruthless blackmailers but who is??? I wonder? There probably is someone but I rather doubt if he or (cough) she would want to take these people on with his (or her) hands tied behind their back by a blackmailed Monarch!

Screenshot from 2023-04-29 00-30-08.png
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