I Should Have Known


Staff member
Why Kate Middleton (or something) has been annoying me with all her red outfits. Here was me making excuses for her as well. At the very best she is doing Pro Israeli blackmailer's dirty work, at worst she IS a Pro Israeli blackmailer! I can't believe the British Security services never briefed Prince Andrew about the blackmail dangers of associating with Epstein (or something) but I am absolutely mesmorised that the Security Services never briefed Prince William about the implications for the British Monarchy of marrying someone from a different faith! Especially the faith that are blackmailing senior (Battenburg) Royals. I lay awake most of last night thinking about potential solutions to this absolute mess, none are forthcoming, except of course the Nuclear option of becoming a Republic. The British Public NEED to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth now, so consultations on the future of the Monarchy can be made. William has already made silly Statements around not being bothered about the Arch Bishop or the Church of England!

A Jewish Monarchy can only lead to a Jewish Government sitting round our cabinet table with their skull caps and ultimately another Jewish State complete with Kibbutz's and an oppressed indigenous population with questions being asked about why other Countries can't take us in as refugees. I want NO part of it!!!


