Iain Duncan Smith


Staff member
I am no fan of this extreme right wing (is that the right way round?) Tory.

"Sir Iain Duncan Smith today told Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss to 'temper your ambition' as he warned against ousting Boris Johnson and triggering a damaging Tory leadership contest. The former leader of the Conservative Party said it is up to Mr Johnson to restore public confidence in the Government in the wake of the Partygate scandal. He said 'ambition is a thing that exists in all of us, but it is ambition at the right time' as he argued the 'number one priority' for the Tories should be tackling the cost of living crisis rather than descending into 'internecine warfare'."

You are forgetting one thing (Sir) Smith, it was Boris (and the blackmailers) who caused the 'cost of living crisis' indeed you could say that it is the unelected and inept Tory party that caused the cost of living crisis and because (Sir) Kier is loyal to Blair and the blackmail Queen, there is just no way out of this crisis at the moment, why? it is simple because our Queen is blackmailed, she HAS to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway just how is a bumbling Bufoon going to sort out the 'cost of living' crisis that he created? He can't raise interest rates (enough) because of the crippling COVID debt (and people's Mortgages) and he can't raise taxes because he can't legalise cannabis, quite simply because even if the Queen wasn't blackmailed she is so prehistoric that she would never allow it!!!

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