Inadequate In More Than One Way


Staff member
So how come Prince Philip used to prefer a (much) younger model anyway your lacking in the majestic deparmentness?
...and for those who say I have maybe gone too far, I ain't even got into gear yet! Under the threat of blackmail she aborted one of my children, tried to murder another before he was born, tried to murder me so many times I've lost count.Tried and almost did murder my younger brother and of course (as a plan B to murder) sentenced me to a life of isolation and seclusion (from my friends and family) as her personal prisoner. I can never be free or safe until she is gone, It's survival of the fittest your not worthy of a titleness.
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When I was in my twenty's a child (about 6) on a bike deliberately rode out in front of my car (towards the front wheel), if it wasn't for my lighting fast reflexes, that child would be dead instead of just injured. There was a police van with two policemen (giving them a birds eye view) directly behind me. Clearly they were tipped off about this deliberate act. I was commended for my quick actions.

A few years later a young girl (about 14) standing with her back to the kerb (so I wouldn't see her as a potential hazard) but with a friend facing her and the road. This friend told her the exact time to turn and step out onto the road so I would run her over, which I did, she hit my windscreen, then I never saw her until she appeared in my rear view mirror and fell onto the road behind me. There was an ambulance and a police car up a side street, the ambulance took her away and the policeman told me to just go on my way as if it never happened. Clearly they also were tipped off that it was going to happen.

Much more recently (around 2012) my partner and I were driving in Liverpool when I noticed a marked police surveillance unit with an Overt camera sticking out of the top, then two guys waiting in the middle of the road (I thought) until I passed so they could cross, when one was away to deliberately step in front of my moving car when his mate stopped him, pointing out the surveillance van. Another example of the police getting tipped off about these deliberate acts.

This is the reality of what can happen when a so called Monarch gets blackmailed!

I don't know who is behind the tipoffs but I am going to presume it is prince Charles as the PM of the day is as always a stooge of the blackmailed Monarch.
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