Independent MP


Staff member
So the by election to replace the Tory so called sleaze MP is expected to be held on the 16th December. They say an independent anti sleaze candidate will probably win? Who will it be though? Just another random guy with a white suit like they did back in the day under Mr Sleaze Major?

Or are they going to offer the job to someone who is a long term victim of Royal and Political corruption. Just saying as they can stick their MP job, one independent MP won't make a blind bit of difference against the 5 or 600 MP's belonging to the corrupt mainstream parties! Anyway, I ain't no saint and neither would I want to be but I certainly don't deserve any of this!
So on today's BBC propaganda slot, they had the man in a white suit himself, Martin Bell, I believe from the Major era cash for questions scandal who replaced if I remember correctly a Tory called Neil Hamilton who was accused of receiving cash for asking questions in the HOC. I remember brown envelopes and his extremely dominant wife.

Anyway Mr Bell was telling the BBC that corruption is worse now than it was back then. (I concur with that) and he said that as an independent MP he chaired the standards committee for three years and most of his recommendations were excepted (how come things are worse then?) almost as if he is trying to get me to reconsider what I said yesterday. Sorry you won't see me in a white suit? Anyway that remit does not cover abuse of power by a blackmailed Monarch (or her husband). There HAS to be a mechanism for the Security Services and an independent body to deal with a blackmailed Monarch. The damage that woman has done to this Country (and me personally) is incalculable. All because she made a poor choice in matrimony???