Korea was invaded by Pro Israeli US President Truman after WW2, with the full intent of furthering Pro Israeli world domination by conquering China, this ill fated attempt faltered about half way up the Korean peninsula, as there were literally too many Chinese ready to defend their homeland. A second attempt at taking China was tried by the next Jewish (warmongering) US president Johnson via Vietnam (that also failed).. The Peninsula of Korea has been hopelessly divided with hostile (to China) US forces to the South and (greatly ridiculed and sanctioned) Pro China forces to the north. Has the time come to re-unite the peoples of that peninsula and wave bye bye to the Pro Israeli warmongers in the South???
I am just surprised that it has taken China so long to turn the tide against the Pro Israeli warmongers that are literally on their doorstep.
America wouldn't tolerate Chinese forces occupying the southern half of Florida for so long!
I am just surprised that it has taken China so long to turn the tide against the Pro Israeli warmongers that are literally on their doorstep.
America wouldn't tolerate Chinese forces occupying the southern half of Florida for so long!
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