Libel traps Here, Libel Traps There!


Staff member
Last night it was Cameron emerging from his penthouse shed, today it's Prince Andrew! Shit where did that mud come from, seems rather sticky? YAAAWWWN.

As for the SN fucking P, I am aware of their despicable little game but I am not going to comment so it can't be misconstrued!
Can't help noticing also that all three of the above entities have a vested interest in keeping me in the gutter where my (anti them, pro truth) voice can not be heard!

Like I said before an EXTREMELY large sum of money and other conditions (seems you can almost afford it?) or a bullet from a gun are the only two thing that could silence me!

...and seeing as you are VERY slow to catch on, I will NEVER be bullied into submission and you will need to get up really early in the morning to 'trick' me with your silly traps!
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