Not A Breakthrough


Staff member
The so called media are making out that Russia's temporary ceasefire in two Ukrainian Cities that they agreed with Zelenskky (or something) so that civilians can flee as some kind of breakthrough! No it's NOT! That is the whole plan, to round up Ukrainian civilians and send them all into the EU. Millions of them!

...and that friend of Israel (not so) Preti Patel has generously decided to let Ukrainian refugees stay in Britain for three years instead of just one, presumably as a present for any legitimate government after this bunch of criminals are ousted hopefully after the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth emerges and with a bit of luck justice can be seen to be done with the guilty (apart from those with a SIR in front of their name apparently) ending up as 'residents' in their shiny new 'barless' prison so that nothing like this can ever happen again.

I would certainly NOT be happy if Fallon and especially Blair were to escape Justice just because they have a SIR in front of their name!...and if Blair was 'given' a knighthood to protect him from prosecution (which includes my attempted murder) that would be doubly corrupt! That protection officer hanging around my forest for weeks (on his own) picking arguments with me before 'protecting' Blair's Friend Hilary Benn as he (Benn) provoked me in the run up to the Brexit Referendum, just proves willful and murderous intent!...or is Blair going to do what cowardly bullies usually do and just blame it all on Hilary Benn? If so then lets hope as a consolation that (as soon as he loses his blackmail powers) that will be the end of 'Blairism' as a concept as there is no point in being 'loyal' to a coward who won't hesitate throwing his 'friends' into the lions den to protect his own so called integrity!
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