Not Enough room in His Studio


Staff member be asking all the British Israeli MP's, Ministers, ex ministers and lords if they knew the Hamas attacks were doing to happen? The blackmail fueled bias towards Israel is palpable!

Screenshot from 2023-10-17 14-15-52.png

Britain's Jews represent only 0.5% of our population but..

Screenshot from 2023-10-17 14-24-29.png
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I mean check this guy out, clearly one of Blair's puppet masters and prominent pro Israeli blackmailer! It is not even discreet, happening in plain sight and no one (except me) can see it or they are so shit scared of the blackmailed Battenburgs that they choose to turn a blind eye!

Screenshot from 2023-10-17 18-54-09.png

I feel I have to re-iterate that Blairite and (new) friend of Israel Starmer can never be allowed to become PM, it would be a disaster for this Country but I am also confident that the real powers that be are aware of this and know what they are doing.
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