Not Ready


Staff member apologise to P Charles yet but I will back off until I can work out what the fuck is really going on...
...anyway if Charles is really going to be an unblackmailed King who fancies taking on the people who have been blackmailing whoever for whatever reason he may be in need of my help (what they have been doing to me)bearing in mind what happened to the last King (Edward) who tried to take these people on. If the Pro Israeli Republic's rhetoric is to be believed, then they are after Charles and William??? I have been saying all along this Country need a strong and stable Monarchy (yuch Theresa May), who the Monarch is, is not important as long as they are not blackmailed!
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another excerpt from Republic's email.

"In recent weeks most of the national papers Sky News and some international press, have been reporting on Republic's billboards."

...or to put it another way Rupert fucking Murdoch has been promoting this crap!!!