Null And void


Staff member
I still can't believe that the real powers that be are just going to throw all the hard work fighting these blackmailers to (with more than a little help from me) get Brexit done, just for Starmer, his wife, Bliar and Mandelson to undo it all again on behalf of Israel because given time (and a majority) they will do just that. Is this the time to let the blackmail cat out of the bag now that the Tory decks have been forcibly (with these powers) cleared, the truth about me, these powers AND the blackmailed Monarchy revealed by whoever (possibly disgruntled SNP or my so called Father) and this election would be declared Null and void and a new election would need to take place.

Lets look at the anecdotal evidence, The Labour parties constant (red) attacks against me, including from baffling sources (Rayner) her (Rayner's) PM website, when you would think they would be secure in their ill gotten majority. No one associating themselves with the blackmailed King. Deciding (with these powers) to leave Hunt (an experienced chancellor) as an MP, Iran still deciding whether to return a moderate or a hard liner. possible (we hope) Israeli Palestine peace deal, Blackmailers friend Biden potentially getting replaced, France wondering about left or right etc etc.

Who would be in charge of a revamped Tory party though? No room for those extreme right wingers or those with pro Israeli leanings. Braverman eg would need to be exposed for what she really is (a pro Israeli blackmailer)
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I have not forgotten about this potentiality! Normally after such a drubbing the defeated leader would be out the door in a shorter time than it takes for the blackmailed king to bite the head off a page boy that's trying to help him!

Are we getting closer to Britain's 'Nelson Mandela' moment???

The Question that I can't answer is why the Power hungry Tory Party would have agreed to hold an early election that they were guaranteed to lose, when they could have hung on until the end of the year if they have not been offered a quick return to power?