Or Get A new Foreign Secretary


Staff member
...and a Pro British prime Minister instead of a pro Israeli one. They are ALL Israel's enemies, not ours. Israel is attacking Russia via there proxy Ukraine and Zelensky, while it is in Britain's interest to have a trading relation with Russia (oil & Gas). Israel and Pro Israeli US have been attacking China Militarily and diplomatically, since they defeated everyone else in WW2. Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan etc etc, while we just need all their mass produced cheep 'stuff'. North Korea is a product of the US's Pro Israeli (failed) attempt at conquering China via that peninsula and if not for them north & south Korea would be re-united by now. As for Iran, 100% Israel's enemy not ours, again they have oil & gas we would like to trade with.

They spin it to say that S Korea is a free democracy and the North is a dictatorship, when in reality, the South was and still is occupied by Pro Israeli forces, they are NOT free and never will be until Pro Israeli forces withdraw from that Peninsula! It is the same here in Europe, The continent, especially Germany and Italy (WW2 defeated) are occupied by Pro Israeli US forces and will never be free or independent until they are all gone!

If the US really was helping liberate Europe from nefarious forces, well thanks for that but it was 80 years ago and they should be gone by now! The UK has withdrawn (Brexit), now it's time for the US to exit Europe. Using these powers to empower Pro Israeli Starmer & co is just madness!

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Anyway ,that is not how our establishment works or anyone that has self defence survival instincts. When I was 16 YO and not as big as I should have been due to so called Fathers starvation when younger, one of his (older) bullies at my work just attacked me without notice, picked me up in a bear hug and smashed my back against a wall, it knocked the wind out of me and I knew I was (temporarily) defenceless, so I blagged my way out of trouble by praising the bully to buy some time until I recovered enough to attack him without warning...and I showed no mercy.

What I am saying is if Russia is going to attack us, he would do it now, why give us three years to prepare ourselves and if the above guy was genuine (not talking crap) he (and Starmer) would be quietly preparing for war and NOT broadcasting it. I do not believe this unelected Pro Israeli Regime will be in power in 3 years time.
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You can believe it or not but back then (mid 70's), when it was Lord Mounbatten that was being blackmailed, I was protected by the British State or in this case the French State, outside I had friends and helpers who I know were protecting me against these sort of attacks with aid from the Security Services but at work there was no one to help me and my Father quickly had at least two older bullies inside my workplace, one was that guy who was frightened of me after that incident but there was another even older guy who although wary I could tell was just waiting for an excuse to attack me. Then a French guy was posted to my workplace as a work experience thing, he was a big guy and older, he quickly befriended me and I had no further trouble from the bullies.