Perpetual Opposition


Staff member
The Labour party would rather stay in permanent opposition than ditch all their Pro Israeli baggage and appoint someone conjusive with high office. The (real) powers that be are not (IMO) going to make the same mistake that they made in 1997!
The mistake I am talking about is using my powers to give Tony Bliar a majority almost as large as his ego only to find that he and his cabinet are so Pro Israeli that he may as well have been accountable to the Kineset instead of parliament, then find you can't get shot of the warmonger because the Pro blackmailed Battenburg Tories were electing inappropriate leaders so there was no alternative to Bliar.

Now it's the complete opposite as Labour elect inappropriate leaders so no alternative to the Conservative friends of Israel. look at the evidence! Ed Milliband (Jewish), Jeremy Corbyn (more left wing than Trotsky) and now pro Israeli Bliarite Starmer.

Still not worked out what's going on with Sannok, a political lightweight (no offence) with Palestinian blood on his hands! Will he be replaced? If so with whom???
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