Red Mist


Staff member
It has subsided now and I am thinking straight again. Sturgeon (Housing Association) has obtained a court warrant to force my door under false pretenses. That is, it clearly states that I refused entry on three occasions when in fact the first two times no one knocked my door (deliberately) and on the third occasion a plumber did knock and I not only answered but invited him to service the boiler but when I informed him that the gas has been disconnected he refused to service the boiler.

As they obtained the warrant under false intentions, I have to assume that they intend to execute the warrant under false intentions. That is they will force my door without first knocking in the desperate hope that I will lose my rag and assault someone. A move that would presumably get the powers being used against the SNP revoked making this a politically motivated issue. Of course I am more restrained than this and it would never work. I presume because I defended myself against the policeman who forced entry in England without a warrant, I may do that again. NO. However I do not want to have to suffer the humiliation and intimidation of having my door booted in for political reasons, so my drastic first reaction was that I should make myself homeless so I won't be present when they force my door.

Now I have had time to think, it seems wise to leave my door unlocked and slightly ajar all day on the day (Wednesday) that they warrant is active. That way it is impossible for them to force my door.

I still reserve the right to self defence should anyone take advantage of the open door situation to attack me!