Spanner In The Economical Works


Staff member
Starting to look now like Boris (dog of war) Johnson and his Pro Israeli 'mates' are just deliberately throwing a spanner in the economy to fuck things up for the (presumably) legitimate next leader. They surely wouldn't fuck things up for another unelected Tory Stooge! Would they?

Oil is at $130 a barrel now, that is the level it reached in 2008 when they (presumably) realised that I was to be afforded additional powers the following year to save the Union (from the SNP blackmailers) and get 'Brexit' done against the will of these powerful blackmailers. In 2008 it caused a financial crash that took years to recover from and that is without all the debt that this bunch of unelected criminals have accrued due to COVID, mismanagement and plain old lining their own pockets. Then they could (and did) raise interest to curb inflation. Now due to trillions of pounds of debt, we can not. I have been predicting inflation for a while now but oil at this price is unsubstainable and inflation is going to spiral out of control now.

We have an unelected Clown as our leader but is anyone really laughing? Not for long they won't be!
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