Tactical Advantage


Staff member
So my (enforced) trip to the JC was strewn with two or three times as many 'obstacles' as usual. Also they had obstacles on both pavements at the same time to thwart my usual tactic of crossing the road (why did the political prisoner cross the road?), including ladders on the pavement with men half way up painting, meaning I have to avoid it in case he falls off and blames me.Usually forcing me to walk on the road and risk being run over.

Two types of obstacles, State Security Personnel and civilian (paid) volunteers. The former are easy to spot as they all fit the same profile, late 20's early 30's looking like they have just exited a gymnasium and the latter are mostly overweight (greedy) people who will do almost anything for their next cream bun who generally try to get in front of me to impede my progress. However I have a tactical advantage over both groupings as I have long ago worked out the former's (limited) rules of engagement (by prodding and provoking them) and I can easily out sprint the latter grouping.
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