The Future


Staff member
...of the Monarchy (if there's to be one) must lie with William and Kate, compared to what's gone before, they just seem so 'normal' and that is what this country needs right now. Someone put Prince Andrew (quite literally) center stage yesterday (in my opinion) as bait for another accused but not convicted libel trap attempt...but who? Obviously not Philip no more so it HAS to be Charles. What is his secret? Is he blackmailed as well? So many (unanswered) questions. Is Jimmy Savile still the clue? I still have no explanation why he showed up (in person) on his own and with no (visible) protection officers back in 2015? A scenario that was later repeated by (then) PM Cameron and several other Tory and Labour front bench politicians!

(Sir) Keir's attempt to throw cold water on Prince William's recent Caribbean tour on behalf of Tony Blair and his (Blair's) attempts to wind me up over transgender issues in the hope I will fall into the accused but not convicted libel trap (aye right) is further proof in my opinion that he (Blair) is more (shit) scared of Prince William assuming power than he is of Prince Charles ascending.

It is not our fault (Sir) Blair that you never had the foresight to see that murdering Diana on behalf of the blackmailed Prince Philip (and his Queen) was a stupid and just wrong thing to do and would incur future consequences from her immediate family. Face those consequences like a MAN instead of the weasel with a fake grin that we all love to hate!
It is being reported in the media today that the blackmailed Queen over-ruled Princes William and Charles with regards to who should escort her to her seat! I guess I should just keep an open mind with regards to Prince Charles. It just surprises me that given his position as (imminent) heir to the throne that he wouldn't have more influence over his blackmailed Mother!