Today's Propaganda Slot


Staff member
Earlier I couldn't remember if a nuclear reaction was fission or fusion and couldn't be bothered doing homework to find out, it must be fission (as I suspected) as today on the usual 12 o clock slot on BBC radio 4 they had a report about scientists who (apparently) managed to fuse two hydrogen atoms together (fusion) in a process similar to what the sun does (without scientists) recording a temperature (they say?) of 100 million degrees C, paving the way potentially (they said) for a source of low carbon fuel?

I ain't no scientist, but I do have a scientific hat and I just can't work out how fusing two hydrogen atoms produces (low amounts) of carbon?

I ain't no 4 star general either but I do have a hat with meaningless strips of plastic on the visor and I can just imagine my self saying, come near us with your old fashioned Nuclear Missiles and I will drop the sun itself on you, 100 million degrees C.