

Staff member
First of all my condolences to any INNOCENT victims of that terrible incident in Plymouth. Obviously I do not know any of the circumstances surrounding that tragic event so I won't be making any further comments but I do feel I have to comment on the way our sick, blackmailed leaders 'seem' to be using this tragic event to get at me!

First it should be noted that when my partner and I were forced out of our council house in Forfar back in 2009 Plymouth is where we first arrived as I (mistakenly) thought it would be a good idea to put as much distance between ourselves and my so called Father as possible. When we arrived just outside Plymouth, two guys arrived on a bike and the pillion was carrying a double barrel shotgun which he pointed at me. This was witnessed by my partner and has been documented by me many times. This all seems very coincidental don't you think? Again with hindsight, I do not believe the guy was out to murder me or he could have, it was the first incident of State intimidation.

Today when I turned on the radio at the usual propaganda slot, they were pre-judjing this guy's inquest saying that he is a hater of women and should have been more closely monitored by the State. (you mean more closely monitored than me?)

Just for the record, I am not a hater of women or anybody for that matter but I do reserve the right to defend myself against ANYONE, regardless of gender, race or creed that attacks me for no good reason. My main enemies are all male, principally my so called father and his son, yes his daughter too. Their main blackmail victim Prince Charles who makes my life an impossibility. Oh yes, the other blackmailers and hangers on like Tony Blair.

Yes Prince Charles USES women to attack me in a sterotypically cowardly way, I don't know why I just know he does, maybe blokes are not so easy for HIM to use? I mean when May took over the attack that was mounted against me when I tried to get signed on for money I needed to survive was just redic, literally hundreds of state actors who at first did impede me, you say I can't fight back against that just because she is a woman? Fuck off! The evidence is there in a long list. Theresa May, Amber Rudd, Preeeeety Pattel, Dame Dick, Hilary Benn. Yes there are a couple of girly boys that will do his dirty work, namely cameron and Johnson. The Snp are just as bad, after I anhialated Salmond, who did they USE? yes a little girl to make it look bad if I attack her but hey, she's attacking me and she is infinitely more powerful than me so no apologies!
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I could also express the same thing in a different context. The reason I am quite proficient at self defence is not because I went for boxing or karati lessons, it's because when I was younger my so called father used to pay people to 'beat me up' and to begin with that is exactly what happened, I took some really bad beatings when I was young, one was so bad that my (then) fiance could not recognise me in hospital. That is because no one is born with fighting skills just like you can't ride a bike or swim, you have to learn, yes you can learn (a bit) through a non contact sport like karati but sorry it ain't the real thing, military training is good but unless you have actual experience against people who mean you actual harm it's no good. So I learned the hard way, I had a mental block that was stopping me finishing the job and if I showed mercy the bastards would take me down soon as I turned my back, I soon learned, you have to finish the job and I overcame that block. I had to.

As my reputation for defending myself grew my father was clearly struggling to get people willing to take me on as I was always attacked by person bigger than me or more than one or you know, they would give me a warning that they are a black belt or a professional boxer eg. For those interested, the black belter was easy but the boxer was tough as boxing is actual fighting of a sort at first but I adapted, he didn't and in a squeaky voice he said 'that is not in the queensbury rules? to which I replied and what the fuck are they?

Anyway back to the gender thing, there is an irony to this true story, when I was in my thirties one guy, a real nutter called Danny Mann, he was not a brilliant fighter but better than most but really dangerous as you know he would kill you without any remorse, he would not give in, I mean I had to really finish him each time. He was a drug addict and he thought defeating me was easy money? So I arrived home from work and he Danny and his girlfriend lets call her jane were in my house, imposed themselves on my then girlfriend. I told him to get out, he would not, he got aggressive started getting up out of the couch so I kicked him in the face, back in the couch. Then his girlfriend did a stupid thing, picking of a long brass ash tray, about three feet tall, heavy and swung it over her shoulder. I had to take her out as her weapon was you know heavy and metal, her boyfriend is extremely dangerous and was just recovering from a kick in the face so I had to take her out, it was self defence a single punch and she was out cold, I remember my girlfriend trying to bring her round as I finished Mann off.

The Irony that I talked about? Mann is now dead, who killed him? No not me, his girlfriend, he was apparently bad to her and she stabbed him to death. I was right to take her out as she is capable of homocide. She got locked up in a nut house for a number of years before getting released after the full extent of mann's abuse against her was revealed.

The moral of the story is that I don't look for fights but if anybody attacks me for no good reason, be it political, financial or misplaced loyalty, I will defend myself in any way I can, physically or verbally, it don't matter if you are black, white male, female Royal or a fucking peasant. leave me be or else!
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