So this morning I awoke to find that King Charles the blackmailed's below the bottom of the barrel foreign PM Rashee Sanook and his band of criminal blackmailers and non patriots have managed to bring both my servers down and this site (the target) has been offline all morning and some of the afternoon. Both servers are unusable now as I would say the server network has been spliced into, to give them control over it. The tell tale sign is a one hour outage to do the splicing and is why I closely monitor my servers and ping the IP address every five minutes. It happened ages ago on my free (for a website link) server and this morning on my paid for (now ex) server. More than that I will not divulge for obvious reasons but if you are reading this you will know that these criminals can inconvenience me (but hey I ain't doing much else) but they can NOT and will NOT defeat me!
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