What's Their Game?


Staff member
So a couple of nights ago we had that Phsycho Blair trying to wind me up with David Milliband (or something) and tonight Neil Newness again trying to tell us that Gordon Brown (hawww), he who wound the Royals up and started all this by granting the SNP permission to hold a Referendum, intends to Fu^k the Royals again by abolishing the H of Lords if the powers that be give Blair, sorry Starmer a big enough majority. Is he trying to wind me up or the Royals? I am not against the Monarchy as such, I am against a blackmailed Monarchy, especially when they are being used against me. Reforms are needed to make sure this (blackmail) can never happen again, you won't achieve that by abolishing the HoL's. There probably does need to be some reformation there too but you know one step at a time! Anyway, unfortunately I am only the keeper of these National Security powers, I do NOT get to implement them!