You Will Carry A Gun Or Else


Staff member
...or else what, you can't force right minded people to carry guns, our society is (predictably) falling apart, law and order (under a stooge commissioner guarding criminal secrets) and now public safety and security. King Charles has to go NOW before things get really bad, relying on the army for now but do soldiers really want to fight and die for a blackmailed King?

...only they are no longer secrets, everybody knows about the blackmailed King and everybody knows about me (i made sure of that), it is just our draconian secrecy and reporting laws that is stopping it becoming public knowledge. Either he does the right thing and abdicates or we force the blackmailers (SNP eg if they lose by-election) to put their money where there mouth is or our society WILL fall apart without out a right minded non blackmailed person at the top of our tree as civil disobedience accelerates! ...or worse military disobedience, we have a Pro Israeli blackmailer in charge of our defence for fucks sake!

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