All this proves is that Charles Battenburg is in Israel's (blackmail) pocket and that the Tories are in the blackmailed Battenburg's pocket, nothing I didn't already know here.
Medanwhile the Labour party (under Starmer) is in the Pro Israeli Pocket of Tony Bliar & Peter Mandelson and who (Bliar) in turn is in the same blackmail boat as the Battenburgs over the part he played in the assassination of Princess Diana.
Israel are not trying to oppose Starmer, his Pro Israeli stance (and her red jacket) proves that. Safe to assume that some day Starmer will be replaced by someone (I wonder who?) who is not in their friends of Israel grouping. It makes me wonder, did they pick the person who they think stands a chance of (intellectually) out maneuvering this mystery person or just someone with a red jacket who they wrongfully think will wind him (or her) up the most?