You would expect that a tiny 0.5% British minority would be represented in the HOL by one or maybe two Peers, in fact there are 65!!!, including nearly 30 representing the Labour Party
Just in case you didn't think that's enough representation for that minority, (Sir) Keir has elevated another two of his 'friends', that is if you can notice amid all the Suer Grey (the 'E's deliberate, the 'r' is a typo but seems apt in the story, not the person context) Furory!
Just in case you didn't think that's enough representation for that minority, (Sir) Keir has elevated another two of his 'friends', that is if you can notice amid all the Suer Grey (the 'E's deliberate, the 'r' is a typo but seems apt in the story, not the person context) Furory!